Photo from the top of Iguazu Falls – an area called the Devil’s throat.
Justin made a huge mistake by telling me that one rain jacket was sufficient for both of us. Why on earth he thought that, nobody will ever know. Given it was his dumb mistake, I was the one who got to wear our one rain jacket. Notice my hair is dry in this next picture 🙂 I guarantee he’ll never make that mistake ever again.
The boat ride was much longer than the stated 12-15 minutes. We went to the left side of the falls, right side, and then back to the left side.
Another mistake was only wearing shorts and a tank top. I was quite cold being wet as the sun setting. We sat at the bottom of the bus this time as we went back to meet our taxi driver, Tió Tony (Uncle Tony), who would eventually take us to the Brazil side. Check out my Brazilian side post for more details.
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